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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Post! and with that...

the bestest university in the whole wide world.
you might be wondering, first blog post and a big fat symbol of SC? WTF?!

that's right, folks. it's that time of the year again... IT'S SC WEEK!!! boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! this is the time to start rocking that blue and gold and start (or increase) your hate for the red and gold! (or just play HELLA starcraft)

as a person who lived in westwood for EIGHT years (and that as a first exposure to the land O' opportunities), it's safe to say that i've been a trojan hater. not necessairly a bruin fan, but i definitely knew i didn't like the red and orange. it also didn't help with the fact that my high school color was blue and gold...

anyway. well, 8 years of exposure to the heart of the UCLA campus naturally brought some light about the heated rivalry that was of the two Los Angeles schools, but, honestly, i couldn't careless about what the big deal was. why would i care that tommy trojan was a douche and joe bruin was burly and good? i'm having enough troubles on my own, you know, like trying to freaking learn how to speak english without pooping in my pants to other people... (not that that ever actually happened, just sayin)

coming to cal changes zero feelings of what i felt for $C. if anything, college has shown me how much of a douche that college actually is. seeing the coliseum and the life of $C in front of my very own eyes certainly didn't help, either.
... i just threw up in my mouth.
quote of that LA trip two years ago:

... wonder what we're gonna get this time.


Fight! for California for we're California Through and Through!
p.s. Dear Kevin Riley. Step yo S*** up. kthnxbai.

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